Wednesday, April 21, 2010


This year for easter we colored eggs the friday before. My mom and dad came over and the kids had a good time changing the eggs colors. I think Jeremy was having just as much fun as the kids. Rylee kept picking them up and trying to crack them open. she succeeded with 3 eggs. lol

Easter morning the kids came upstairs and looked for eggs and their baskets. This year was fun with Rylee because she actually got into looking for the eggs. once everything was found we got ready and headed to my mom and dads for more egg hunting and lunch. The kids looked so cute in their Easter outfits.

Later on, we went and visited Jeremys parents for a few. We did a small egg hunt with them, but Jers mom had to work so we didnt stay long.

It was a fun day with the kids and family.

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